9 weeks . 9 weeks . 9 weeks .
yes, left with 9 more weeks before I graduate. Man, it really is just v fast. I believe this is so cos... i am enjoying myself so much, learn so much, experienced like i had never did before. and yes, this is just the beginning. As the day of graduation is drawing near, I am visualizing life after graduation. will i be able to have this kind of discipline? i tell myself, yes, I want. and this is a 'dangerous' statement because I know that more is gonna come, there is much more i gonna overcome. Yes, even so the testings. But my aim is to really seek out the pearls and treasures in the trying times.
i want to change. Tho there are still many areas to change (some even took me like forever) however, He is faithful. Tho I may fail so so so so many times, He never will. Need to constantly guard my attitude and to renew it. For it is the attitude which will determine our altitude... This is the Rock i build my life upon. PTL for everything! ;)
9 weeks! that's really fast!
anyway whatever it is,
enjoy what you're doing now. give it your best shot :D
you know i love you ALH!
jyjy !
you're reaching your finishing line !
keep on running Jas ((: